About SERV
Our approach to data security and privacy
We provide peace of mind by ensuring that personal information is kept safe and secure.
SERV is committed to compliance with all applicable information privacy and data security laws and adopts industry-leading information security practices.
Information security is one of the most important priorities for SERV. To thrive in this environment, we are focused on continual improvement and innovation in our information security practices. We ensure we have the right people in our business and access to leading experts to build, maintain and manage secure data infrastructure.
Our commitment to you
- We take our role seriously as custodians of the Victorian Land Registry.
- We will always place the security of your data as the highest priority.
- We care about people and maintaining the privacy of their data and information.

Compliance certification and assessments
We inspire trust and reliability by meeting industry best practices and standards.
- ISO27001 certified: We're proud to be ISO27001 certified, which is recognised worldwide to indicate that SERV’s information security management system aligns with industry best practices.
- IRAP assessed: SERV is assessed annually against the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM).
- Secure cloud: We host our data and services in a secured cloud environment to leverage world-class cutting-edge technology.
- Secure practices: Our continuous review of the well-architected framework ensures the best possible security practices.
- Security assessment: We run internal security assessments and engage expert specialised third parties to perform independent security assessments.
Collaborations and partnerships
We've fostered relationships with the Australian security community to learn and share best practice solutions.
We partner with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), which provides us with information and research on Cyber Security events. The ACSC brings together the business and research community with state, territory and federal government agencies in an open and collaborative environment.

Legal and Privacy
As a custodian of personal information and public sector information, SERV is bound by both the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Cth).
Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information and how to access, correct or raise concerns about the handling of your personal information.