// Customer Information Bulletin
Customer Information Bulletin #96 – May 2006
Changes to Land Registry fees from 1 July 2006
In accordance with the Monetary Units Act 2004, Land Registry fees expressed in number of fee units will increase from 1 July 2006.
The increases are applicable to fees contained in the:
- Transfer of Land (Fees) Regulations 2004
- Subdivision (Registrar’s Fees) Regulations 2004
- Instruments (Fees) Regulations 2004
- Property Law (Fees) Regulations 2004
Land Registry lodgement fees expressed in number of fee units in regulations administered by other departments will also increase on 1 July 2006.
The new fees are determined by multiplying the number of fee units contained in the regulations by the value of the fee unit being $10.75, and then rounded to the nearest 10 cents.
Lodgement fees expressed as dollar amounts (such as the Safe Custody Fee and Correspondence Fee) will not change.
New fee guides will be available early June.
T2 Transfers containing a covenant or easement
Customers are reminded of Land Registry’s requirements for execution of T2 transfers containing a covenant or easement.
The form T2 Transfer approved by the Registrar has space for “Execution and attestation” on Page 2 of the form. This execution and attestation must be completed in the normal way.
If there is insufficient space in the two-page T2 Transfer form to complete a covenant or easement, an approved Annexure page(s) must be used, to which the following applies:
- the identification panel at the top of the annexure page must identify the parties to the T2 transfer as well as the land and estate affected
- all signatures of the parties are required, and each of the parties and signatories needs to sign the identification panel of each annexure page
- if a party signs under Power of Attorney, the attorney needs to sign the identification panel of each annexure page
- detailed information on the use of the annexure page is contained in the Land Registry Lodging Book – Section 2 – Approved Forms – pages 4 and 5
Forms of T2 Transfer printed from customised databases, licensed or Anstat software and T2 Transfer forms with an approval number with a “D” suffix are multi-page forms.
These forms have printed more than two pages that are not approved annexure pages and are marked as number 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3. The T2 Transfer forms are only required to be executed on the last page.
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