// Customer Information Bulletin
Customer Information Bulletin #138 – Nov 2012
New Forms
Land Victoria has developed three new interactive PDF forms:
- Discharge of Mortgage or Charge
- Transfer of Land
- Mortgage.
The new forms contain defined panels, online help and system messages to guide customers in completing the forms. Customers can also save the form either partially or fully completed on their own computer for future reference.
The new forms are available on Land Victoria’s webpage at: www.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles & Maps > Land Titles > Forms, guides and fees.
A sample form is included on the following page.
Customers are encouraged to use the new forms. Old style forms will continue to be accepted.
The new forms do not contain provision for an ‘Order to Register’. This is because early next year Land Victoria intends to revise the process for the production of Certificates of Title for dealings lodged by another party.
The present requirement for an Order to Register will not be part of the new process. Until the new process is introduced, any Order to Register required to support a lodgement using one of the new forms should be prepared on a separate page and submitted with the lodgement.
For examples of Orders to Register, see the Land Victoria Lodging Book (Version 4.1), page 1.7.
Discharge of Mortgage or Charge

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