// Customer Information Bulletin

Customer Information Bulletin #118 – May 2009

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Land Victoria Fees
New Lodgement Fees from 1 July 2009

In accordance with the Monetary Units Act 2004, Land Victoria fees expressed in number of fee units will increase from 1 July 2009.

The increases are applicable to fees contained in the:

  • Transfer of Land (Fees) Regulations 2004
  • Subdivision (Registrar’s Fees) Regulations 2004
  • Instruments (Fees) Regulations 2004
  • Property Law (Fees) Regulations 2004
  • Water (Resource Management) Regulations 2007.

The new fees are determined by multiplying the number of fee units contained in the regulations by the value of the fee unit, being $11.69, and rounded to the nearest 10 cents.

Other lodgement fees expressed as dollar amounts (such as the Safe Custody Fee and Correspondence Fee) will not be changing.

Lodgement fees expressed in number of fee units in other regulations will also increase on this day.

Search fees expressed in number of fee units will also increase on this day.

The tables on the following pages detail the new lodgement fees for Land Victoria transactions.

Please call (03) 8636 2010 for any queries concerning the new lodging fees.

Please call (03) 8636 2456 for any queries relating to search fees.

Transfer of Land Act Lodgement Fees
Common Fees

Section of ActPaper Transactions
$ Fees
Electronic Transactions
$ Fees
45Transfer on sale
(If there is more than one consideration, the highest one applies. The total fee is determined by rounding up if necessary to the next whole dollar.)
The sum of 119.40 plus
2.46 for every whole
1000 of the monetary
consideration. Maximum
fee is 1350.00
The sum of 98.70 plus
2.46 for every whole
1000 of the monetary
consideration. Maximum
fee is 1329.00
45Transfer on sale if the consideration is not a dollar amount119.4098.70
45Transfer on sale (other than a transfer on sale of one or more mortgages to or by an authorised deposit taking institution under the Banking Act 1959 of the Commonwealth)
(If there is more than one consideration, the highest one applies. The total fee is determined by rounding up if
necessary to the next whole dollar.)
The sum of 119.40 plus
2.46 for every whole
1000 of the monetary
consideration. Maximum
fee is 1350.00
The sum of 98.70 plus
2.46 for every whole
1000 of the monetary
consideration. Maximum
fee is 1329.00
45Transfer on sale of one or more mortgages, to or by an authorised deposit-taking institution under the Banking Act
1959 of the Commonwealth
45Transfer other than a transfer on sale excluding the
creation or surrender of an easement
49Transmission application by personal representative85.1064.40
50Survivorship application by joint proprietor85.1064.40
74Mortgage or charge98.0077.40
75AVariation of mortgage or charge67.9047.20
75B(3)Variation of priority of mortgage or charge119.4098.70
84(1)Application for recording of discharge of mortgage or
charge wholly or partially
84(3)Application for recording of satisfaction of annuity119.4098.70
84(4)Application for recording of discharge of mortgage or
charge, wholly or partially
89Caveat forbidding dealings with land or withdrawal of such
a caveat wholly or in part
89AApplication for service of a notice – for each caveat affected153.60132.90

Other fees:

Section of ActPaper Transactions $ Fees
14Application to bring land under the operation of the Act based on deeds102.90
15Application to bring land under the operation of the Act based on survey102.90
23Application to bring land under the operation of the Act by the creation of a provisional
26DApplication for giving of notice for the deletion of a warning under Part V of the Fifth
Schedule to the Act
26FNotice claiming an interest in an identified folio51.40
26NApplication for the giving of notice for the deletion of a recording from an identified
26PApplication to remove warning relating to title dimensions from a provisional folio457.10
26RCaveat against creation of folio or removal of warning or withdrawal of such caveat51.40
31Application to produce new certificate of title to replace a certificate of title lost,
destroyed or obliterated

plus for each additional certificate of title

plus Assurance Fund Contribution – see
‘Your guide to replacing a lost or destroyed Certificate of Title’
for details

32Application to produce new folio of the Register

plus for each additional folio of the Register

35(4)Application to issue a certificate in place of duplicate instrument lost or destroyed

plus for each additional instrument

37Deposit of documents declaratory of trusts51.40
38Application for order to deal with folios of the Register recorded ‘no survivorship’205.70
45Creation or surrender of easement in which the consideration is monetary

(If there is more than one consideration, the highest one applies. The total fee is
determined by rounding up if necessary to the next whole dollar.)
514.20 plus 2.46 for
every whole 1000 of the
monetary consideration.
Maximum fee is 1350.00
45Creation or surrender of easement in which the consideration is non-monetary514.20
47Application for vesting order in case of completed purchase205.70
51Transmission application by Trustee of bankrupt68.60
52(2)Recording of a judgment, decree, order or process of execution of the Supreme Court or County Court137.10
52(6)Application for recording of satisfaction of any such judgment, decree, order or process of execution102.90
52(7)Application for recording of a judgment, decree, order or process of execution of the
High Court of Australia
54Application by acquiring authority for issue of certificate of title in respect of lands
vested in that authority
57Notification of intention to acquire land compulsorily or of withdrawal of the notice of the
58Application by trustee for making a recording of vesting order205.70
59Application for recording of a disposition205.70
60Application for a vesting order by person claiming title by possession supported by a survey required by the Registrar914.20
60Application for vesting order by person claiming title by adverse possession for which a survey is
not required by the Registrar
61Caveat forbidding granting of application for vesting order under Section 60 or withdrawal of such a caveat51.40
68Application for recording of disclaimer of lease by Trustee in bankruptcy51.40
69Application for recording of surrender of lease51.40
70Application for recording recovery of possession by legal proceedings or re-entry by lessor or abandonment by lessee274.20
72(2)Application for recording of an easement514.20
73(1)Application for deletion of an easement from the Register514.20
73(1B)Application for declaration that easement has been abandoned or extinguished514.20
73(4)Caveat forbidding the deletion of an easement from the Register or withdrawal of such a caveat51.40
79Application for order for foreclosure514.20
84(2)Application by mortgagor for recording of discharge of mortgage on proof of payment205.70
85(1)Application for recording of discharge of land from mortgage on production of receipt of Treasurer51.40
88(1)Application to record, amend or delete a recording of a restrictive covenant137.10
88(1B)Application for written declaration that restrictive covenant is released, varied or modified137.10
88(2)Application for recording of notification of easement514.20
88(2)Application for recording of notification other than of an easement102.90
91ALodgement of memorandum of common provisions51.40
93Application for stay of registration, including order137.10
98A(2)Application for inclusion of certificate of shares or other like interests in stratum estate51.40
98C(1)Lodgement of service agreement for registration in respect of stratum estate51.40
98C(2)Application for registering of cancellation or variation of service agreement in respect of
stratum estate
98CAApplication for cancellation and registration of a plan
if the applicant is a service company, or
if the applicant is not a service company but a service company operates, or
if no service company operates

plus for each lot in excess of two comprised in the plan of subdivision

99Application to amend a folio of the Register whether a new certificate of title is issued or not457.10
100Caveat forbidding granting of an application under Section 99 or withdrawal of such a caveat51.40
103(2)Application to amend a folio of the Register as to description of land supported by a survey
required by the Registrar
103(2)Application to amend a folio of the Register as to description of land for which a survey is not
required by the Registrar
103(2)Application to amend a plan of subdivision – for each plan so amended102.90
103(2)Application to amend a folio of the Register otherwise than as to description of land102.90
104(5)Application to dispense with the submission of a certificate of title51.40
106(c)Application for recording on folio of the Register that the folio is no longer affected by an
encumbrance other than easement
106(c)Application for recording on folio of the Register that the folio is no longer affected by an
113(5)Application to amend or alter address in the Register51.40
113(6)Application by a caveator to amend or alter address for service51.40
113(6A)Application by person who lodged a notice under Section 26F of the Act to amend or alter
address for service
121(2)(c)Licence to print and sell an approved form102.90
121(4)Licence to print and sell an approved form prepared by a person with the object of selling it for use by other persons102.90
121(7)Approval of a form for use by a person and authority to print sealed copies for use by that
121(10)Registration or granting of an instrument or application containing departures otherwise than in matters of substance from an approved form51.40

Miscellaneous Fees and Amounts

Section of ActPaper Transactions $ Fees
120(2)In addition to any specific fee or to the miscellaneous fee, a fee shall apply if more than 5
folios of the Register are affected. However, if the specific fee provides for the payment of
additional amounts related to the number of folios affected, the fee under this item shall not
apply. This fee does not apply to lodgements under Sections 35(4), 37, 61, 73(4), 89A, 91A, 100,
104(5), 113(6), 113(6A), 116(1), 121(2)(c), 121(4), 121(7), and 121(10), nor to an application to
amend a Plan of Subdivision under Section 103(2).

For each additional folio affected
120(2)Correspondence lodgement5.00
120(2)Any other instrument or application for which a fee is not specified (‘Miscellaneous Fee’)102.90
120(2)Safe custody of each document left with the Registrar for use by a third party in the lodgement
of a subsequent dealing
Note: Fee is payable by the third party when the subsequent dealing is lodged
120(2)For creating a folio of the Register arising out of amendment under Section 207E of the Local
Government Act 1989

Subdivision Act Lodgement Fees

Section of Act$ Fees
32(d)Owners Corporation
Plan to increase or reduce the number of lots affected by the owners corporation
32(e)Common Property
Plan to create new lots or new common property
plus for each lot in excess of two
plus for each owners corporation in excess of one
plus for every plan supported by a survey
32(f)Owners Corporation
Plan to create an owners corporation
plus for each owners corporation in excess of one created in the plan

32(g)Owners Corporation
Plan dissolving an owners corporation
plus for each owners corporation in excess of one comprised in the plan

32(h)Owners Corporation
Plan to merge with another owners corporation
32(i)Easements – Creation, Removal, Variation
Plan to create, vary or remove an easement or condition
plus for each lot in excess of two over which the easement or condition is to be created, varied or removed

32(i)Restrictions – Creation, Removal, Variation
Plan to create, vary or remove a restriction
plus for each lot in excess of two over which the restriction is to be created, varied or removed

32(j)Plan of Consolidation
Plan of consolidation
plus for every plan supported by a survey
Plan to create, alter or extinguish a lot entitlement or lot liability
32(l)Scheme of Development
Plan to amend or cancel a scheme of development under the Cluster Titles Act 1974
Multiple Applications
Plan containing more than one alteration as referred to in Sections 32(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),
(j), (k), (l) of the Act instead of the fees that would otherwise be payable for each alteration separately
plus for each lot in excess of two comprised in the plan
plus for each owners corporation in excess of one created by the plan
plus for every plan supported by a survey



32A &
For a plan referred to in Sections 32AI, 32A and 35 of the Act the appropriate fee under Section 22
32BOwners Corporation
Plan to create an owners corporation
plus for each owners corporation in excess of one created by the plan
Application to alter a lot entitlement or lot liability other than under Section 32(k)
34(2)Owners Corporation Address
Application to change the address for service of notices on the owners corporation
34G(4)VCAT Order – Owners Corporation
Notice of application to VCAT for an order that the owners corporation be wound up
34H(1)VCAT Order – Plan
Application to amend or cancel a registered plan in accordance with an order of VCAT
44(4A)Accessory Lot – Removal
Amendment of a plan to no longer show an accessory lot as an accessory lot on a plan of strata
subdivision or a plan of cluster subdivision – for each lot amended
44(5)Notice of Restriction – Removal
Application to amend a plan to remove a restriction on a plan of strata subdivision or a plan of cluster
subdivision – for each lot amended
44(5A)Scheme of Development
Application to cancel or alter a scheme of development accompanying a plan of cluster subdivision
Where no Fee is Prescribed
Any other instrument, application or document for which a fee is not specified in these Regulations or
under the Transfer of Land Act 1958
Made Available Fee
Safe custody of each document left with the Registrar for use by a third party in the lodgement of a
subsequent dealing
Note: Fee is payable by the third party when the subsequent dealing is lodged
Supply of Plan Number
Plan number to be used on plans submitted to councils and referral authorities
Vesting Date
For recording the vesting date of a compulsory acquisition
Correspondence Fee
On every application, instrument or document sent by post or left for lodgement at the Office of Titles
under cover and accepted by the Registrar for lodgement – additional fee

Water Register Lodgement Fees
Action legend: * you must start by applying to your water authority for approval
# you must lodge directly with the Water Registrar

TransactionAction$ Fees
Transfer of Water Share*101.80
Limited Term Transfer*101.80
Surrender of Limited Term Transfer#51.00
Mortgage of Water Share#51.00
Discharge of Mortgage of Water Share#51.00
Transfer of Water Share by Mortgagee#101.80
Variation of Recorded Mortgage of Water Share#51.00
Transfer of Recorded Mortgage of Water Share#51.00
Variation in Priority of Recorded Mortgages of Water Share#51.00
Application by Surviving Owner of a Water Share#101.80
Application by Legal Personal Representative in Respect of Water Share (LPR)#101.80
Transmission Application by Trustee in Bankruptcy of Water Share#101.80
Application to correct or amend Name in Register#101.80
Memorandum of Common Provisions for Water Share Mortgage#101.80

Water Register Search Fees

Search type$ Fees
By applicant accessing an online facility established by the Registrar11.70
By Registrar on behalf of applicant (a hard copy of the results provided to the applicant):

Water share record search

Instrument search



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By using this Tool, users agree to these terms and acknowledge that SERV makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the search results. Users accept responsibility for verifying the information obtained through the Tool against the original sources, including the official Customer Information Bulletins found here (https://www.land.vic.gov.au/land-registration) and any other requirements issued by the Registrar of Titles from time to time in accordance with the Transfer of Land Act 1958.